You are here: 5. Job Costing > 5.4. TRANSACTIONS Menu: Transaction Processing > Transactions – Job Transactions

Transactions – Job Transactions

You use the Job Transactions option to create and maintain the following types of jobs:

The job entry screen enables quick, efficient entry of incoming job details. At this point, Micronet can either log the call so that it can be allocated to a service person later, or produce a service call sheet (or job card). Quotations can be calculated and stored against each service job.

MJC integrates with the Employee master file, Inventory master file, Debtors Ledger, Operation master file, Purchasing system and General Ledger.

The job numbering facility enables you to establish different job departments and job types that can each have their own job number sequences and prefixes. Job numbers can be assigned automatically or manually.

Service jobs can be viewed by customer, job number, start/due date, technician, area, etc., as required.

Labour and materials can be entered either from timesheets, via the service call sheet (job card), or direct from supplier invoices. Micronet automatically prices service jobs for you based on your own markups and labour rates. Materials can be drawn directly from your MDS Inventory master file, or purchase orders can be raised against jobs and committed costs tracked until the items are received from your suppliers. Once the supplier invoices have been reconciled, they can be posted to the Micronet Creditors Ledger for payment processing.

Each job can be designated as being Active, Inactive or Complete. Although a quoted amount can be posted against a job, it is assumed that jobs are to be treated as do-and-charge types of jobs where the materials plus their markup % are added to the total labour $ to produce the job invoicing amount. However, for fixed price jobs, the quoted amount can be used at time of invoicing. A job should not be flagged as completed if there are outstanding purchase orders still not received. Those orders would need to be received or cancelled in order to close the job.

When a service job is ready for invoicing, the user can select to optionally list the materials and labour being billed, or show the job value as a lump sum. Once the invoice has been created, MJC can optionally set the job status to Completed for history inquiries or job/sales analysis.


Technical Tip

If you want to interface your service jobs with Fleetrack, you need to setup up a debtor called “Internal” in the Debtor master file. For more information, refer to "File - Debtor" and to "Job Transaction Processing - File - Save Paperless".